Health Saftey & the Environment
Under the guidance and supervision of SouthernRock Geophysics, Ridgeback Geofisicas innovative geophysical services are conducted in an efficient and effective manner to provide a competitive option within the market, while safeguarding the welfare of its employees and protecting the environment.
Sustainable development in Health and Safety is achieved through the implementation in-house standards and local leglisative procedures. Principal objectives focus on the prevention of professional disease and accidents, protecting the health and well-being of our employees through the continual improvement of procedures and processes within our business while adhering to local and international legislation and best-practice.
As part of our commitment to industry wide safety standards and best practise, SouthernRock Geophysics became an active member of the Ground Geophysical Survey Safety Association, shortly atfter it's formation in 2011, and imparts relevant information and updated procedures accordingly.